Reportáž z konferencie o metabolických terapiách: Tampa - Florida
Od 1 - 4 februára 2017 sme mali jedinečnú príležitosť stretnúť a učiť sa od tých najlepších expertov na svete v oblasti výskumu metabolizmu a ketogenického stravovania. Ale nie len to. Mali sme možnosť odprezentovať im aj náš projekt METFLEX, ktorý je zameraný práve na kvantifikáciu (meranie) metabolického zdravia. Ako na náš projekt reagovala svetová elita?

Metabolické terapie a nutričná ketóza
Na druhej konferencii o nutričnej ketóze a metabolických terapiách v meste Tampa a štáte Florida nebola núdza o TOP expertov a vysoko odborné vedomosti. Po chodbách ste mali možnosť stretnúť a diskutovať s najväčšími kapacitami, ktoré dlhé roky pracujú na získavaní veľmi dôležitých vedeckých poznatkoch o tom, ako stravovanie ovplyvňuje naše metabolické zdravie. Táto veľmi naliehavá vedecká oblasť odhaľuje závažné skutočnosti: civilizačné ochorenia ako diabetes, rakovina, Parkinson či iné neurodegeneračné ochorenia majú pôvod v metabolizme, ktorý na denno - dennej báze ovplyvňujeme predovšetkým tým, čo si vkladáme do úst (jedlo). Najzaujímavejší je však fakt, že veľmi podobné nutričné intervencie a postupy, pomáhajú riešiť nie len zdravotné komplikácie, ale optimalizovať aj zdravie a fyzické výkony.
Málokto si uvedomuje, že jedlo má silný fyziologický a teda aj terapeutický účinok, ktorý je mocnejší ako akýkoľvek liek na svete. Krutým spôsobom na chyby v stravovaní doplácajú napríklad pacienti s epilepsiou, u ktorých je ketogenické stravovanie často krát jediná cesta ako sa uchrániť pred záchvatmi. Ak by nás všetkých chyby v stravovaní trestali podobným spôsobom, dobre by sme si rozmysleli čo si vložíme do úst a boli si vedomí následkov našej voľby. Možno práve preto by sme sa mali zamýšľať nad tým, ako vytvoriť okolo seba metabolicky bezpečný environment, ktorý súvisí s kultúrou funkčného stravovania ktorej sme predstavitelia.
O zvučné mená a svetové kapacity na konferencii nebola núdza. Tak ako aj minulý rok, aj tento rok bolo celé podujatie zaznamenávané na kameru a je pravdepodobné, že celý event čoskoro nájdete v archíve TU. Z nasledovného zoznamu si môžete urobiť úsudok sami o kvalite prednášajúcich, vybrali sme tých pre nás najviac zaujímavých s ktorými sme boli aj v osobnom kontakte:
- Laszlo Boros, M.D., University of California, Los Angeles
- Dr. Boros is currently a Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA and the Co-Director of the Stable Isotope Research Laboratory at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (LABIOMED) at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center with a primary focus on studying cancer cell metabolism with the use of a speci cally designed 13C-glucose tracer and mass spectroscopy. In 1995 he became the lead investigator to clinically apply stable isotope technologies to study diabetes and cancer growth in vitro and in animal models at UCLA. He is an expert in using metabolic pro ling and mitochondrial nanomechanics to further understanding of particularly aggressive cancers. Dr. Boros is the recipient of the C. Williams Hall Outstanding Publication Award from the Academy of Surgical Research of the USA (1997), the Richard E. Weitzman Memorial Research Award from the University of California (2001), the Excellence in Clinical Research Award from the General Clinical Research Center at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (2004), Public Health Impact Investigator Award of the United States Food and Drug Administration (2011) and received a Best Publication Award from the Metabolomics Society and Springer Nature publisher (2014).
- Zoznam verejne dostupných vedeckých prác TU
- Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., Boston College
- Thomas N. Seyfried is Professor of Biology at Boston College, and received his Ph.D. in Genetics and Biochemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1976. He did his undergraduate work at the University of New England where he recently received the distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. He also holds a Master’s degree in Genetics from Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Thomas Seyfried served with distinction in the United States Army’s First Cavalry Division during the Vietnam War, and received numerous medals and commendations. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Neurology at the Yale University School of Medicine, and then served on the faculty as an Assistant Professor in Neurology. Other awards and honors have come from such diverse organizations as the American Oil Chemists Society, the National Institutes of Health, The American Society for Neurochemistry, and the Ketogenic Diet Special Interest Group of the American Epilepsy Society. Dr. Seyfried previously served as Chair, Scienti c Advisory Committee for the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association and he recently received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Complimentary and Integrative Medicine. He presently serves on several editorial boards, including those for Nutrition & Metabolism, Neurochemical Research, the Journal of Lipid Research, and ASN Neuro. Dr. Seyfried has over 170 peer-reviewed publications and is author of the book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer (Wiley Press). His full list of peer-reviewed publications can be found on PubMed.
- Zoznam verejne dostupných vedeckých prác TU
- Jeff Volek, Ph.D., R.D., The Ohio State University
- Dr. Jeff Volek is a registered dietitian and professor in the Department of Human Sciences at the Ohio State University. For the last two decades, he has performed cutting edge research elucidating how humans adapt to diets restricted in carbohydrate with a dual focus on clinical and performance applications. His work has contributed to the existing robust science of ketones and ketogenic diets, their use as a therapeutic tool to manage insulin resistance, plus their emerging potential to augment human performance and resiliency. Dr. Volek has secured several million dollars in research funds from federal sources, industry, and foundations. He has been invited to lecture on his research over 200 times at scienti c and industry conferences in a dozen countries. His scholarly work includes 300+ peer-reviewed scienti c manuscripts and ve books.
- Zoznam verejne dostupných vedeckých prác TU
- Dominic D’Agostino Ph.D., University of South Florida
- Dominic D’Agostino is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida. He is also a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition. He holds a Ph.D. in Physiology and Neuroscience from Rutgers University. His research focuses on developing and testing metabolic therapies, including ketogenic diets, ketone esters, ketone supplements and metabolic-based drugs, to enhance neurological and physiological resilience under environmental extremes and to treat a broad range of disorders linked pathophysiologically to metabolic dysregulation, including seizures, neurological disorders, wound healing, muscle wasting and cancer.
- Zoznam verejne dostupných vedeckých prác TU
- Eric Westman, M.D., M.H.S., Duke University
- Dr. Westman received his MD from the University of Wisconsin/Madison, completed an internal medicine residency and chief residency at the University of Kentucky/Lexington, and completed a General Internal Medicine Fellowship at Duke University, which included a Masters Degree in clinical research. He has been at Duke since 1990, has over 90 peer-reviewed publications, and is currently the Director of the Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic. He is Chairman of the Board of the Obesity Medicine Association (formerly, the American Society of Bariatric Physicians) and a Fellow of the Obesity Medicine Association and the Obesity Society. He is author of the New York Times Bestseller The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity.
- Brendan Egan, Ph.D., University College Dublin
- Brendan is Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Physiology at Dublin City University, Ireland, and also holds a Visiting Associate Professor position at University College Dublin. He received his BSc Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Limerick in 2003, MSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition from Loughborough University in 2004, and PhD from Dublin City University in 2008, before completing two years of post-doctoral training with Prof. Juleen Zierath’s Integrative Physiology group at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. His doctoral studies focussed on skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise, and in particular the continuity between acute molecular responses to individual bouts of exercise and adaptations induced by exercise training, whereas his post- doctoral training utilised animal models and in vitro cell systems to investigate the transcriptional regulation of skeletal muscle development and mechanisms of insulin resistance. His current research investigates the molecular regulation of skeletal muscle function and adaptation across the life course, with special interest in nutrition and exercise interventions to optimize performance in athletes and elderly. He continues to compete in elite level Gaelic Football and consults as a performance nutritionist to elite team sport athletes.
- Jacob Wilson, Ph.D., Applied Science and Performance Institute
- Dr. Jacob Wilson, Ph.D., CSCS*D is a researcher and CEO of Applied Science and Performance Institute, a 21 thousand square foot performance and research facility dedicated to novel training and nutrition strategies to optimize human performance and longevity. With over 200 peer- reviewed papers, book chapters and abstracts Dr. Wilson has turned the focus of his research onto the cellular, molecular, and whole body changes in muscle size, strength, and power in response to ketogenic dieting and supplemental ketones in varying populations. Dr. Wilson was recently awarded the NSCA’s Terry J. Housh young investigator of the year award. Moreover he and his lab have been featured in the movie Generation Iron, which came out in theaters in 2013 and was aired on ESPN and in the sequel which will air in theaters in late 2017.
- Eugene Fine, M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Dr. Fine is Professor of Radiology (Nuclear Medicine) at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC. He obtained an M.S. in nuclear physics from U. of Pennsylvania in 1971, and an M.D. in 1976 from State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center. After residencies in Internal and Nuclear Medicine at Downstate a liated programs he obtained certi cation from the American Boards of Internal and Nuclear Medicine in 1979 and 1981, respectively. He joined Einstein faculty in 1981, was promoted to Associate Professor in 1987 and to Professor in 1996. He was named Chairman of Nuclear Medicine at Jacobi Medical Center from 1997-2006 and Director of the M. Donald Blaufox Laboratory of Molecular Imaging from 2006-2012, and has been scienti c consultant for the lab since that time. Dr. Fine’s early research focused on quantitation of heart and kidney function. On sabbatical at the Institute for Clinical Research in Pisa at 1993-4, Dr. Fine began studying PET scanning, and became especially interested in cancer imaging and the Warburg e ect, which fascinated him since medical school. The e ect provides the basis for 18F- uorodeoxyglucose (FDG) diagnostic imaging as part of standard cancer care using PET scanning and explicitly demonstrates that many aggressive cancers depend on glucose/glycolysis for their energy supply. Dr. Fine with his long-time colleague Dr. Richard Feinman have since 2003 pursued an hypothesis in which ketone bodies themselves can metabolically inhibit cancer ATP production and proliferation while leaving normal tissues una ected.
Dr. Fine and oncology colleagues at Einstein also performed and published a pilot study of 10 patients with aggressive cancers. For this 2012 pilot paper published in Nutrition (Elsevier), Dr. Fine was honored for excellence in metabolism research with The John M. Kinney Award in 2013 and by the Nutrition and Metabolism Society in the following year. - Angela Poff, Ph.D., University of South Florida
- Angela Po is a Research Associate in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Hendrix College in Conway, AR. She completed her graduate work at the University of South Florida where she earned a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Medical Sciences. During that time, Angela served on the Executive Board of the Association for Medical Sciences Graduate Students at USF from 2010 – 2014, serving as President of the board from 2012 – 2013. Angela worked as a postdoctoral research scholar in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at USF from 2014 – 2015. Her research focuses on the development and characterization of metabolic-based, non-toxic therapies for cancer and neurological disorders. She has presented her work at many national and international scienti c conferences, including the Keystone Symposia on Tumor Metabolism, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, and the Global Symposium on Ketogenic Therapies. She is on the planning committee of the annual Conference on Nutritional Ketosis and Metabolic Therapeutics and travels to give lectures to varied audiences on science and research related to ketosis. Angela is passionate about teaching and worked as an adjunct professor at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa where she instructed night classes in Anatomy and Physiology during her doctoral and postdoctoral tenure. She currently works as an adjunct professor in the Department of Health Sciences and Human Performance at the University of Tampa where she teaches a Master’s course on Cellular Bioenergetics and Metabolism. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Franklin, and her two dogs and three cats.
- Beth Zupec-Kania, R.D., The Charlie Foundation
- Beth Zupec-Kania is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist who has promoted safe and e ective ketogenic therapies since 1991. She’s managed ketogenic diets in individuals with epilepsy, autism, multiple sclerosis, mitochondrial, metabolic, and rare genetic disorders, migraine headache, Parkinson’s disease, and various cancers. She’s authored over 50 publications, co-organized global symposiums and is the designer of KetoDietCalculator, a web-based program for calculating ketogenic diets, has provided ketogenic training to 180 medical centers worldwide, and is a consultant to The Charlie Foundation.
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Čo si z konferencie odnášame a prinášame na Slovensko
Poznatky ktoré sme počas konferencie vstrebávali sa nejakú zhrnúť do nejakého článku alebo videa. Aj keď my sami sme predstavitelia tohto smeru, vždy máme veľké množstvo medzier, ktoré musíme v našom znalostnom systéme dopĺňať. Tento metabolicko - lowcarb - ketogenický odbor, ktorý má sám za sebou nahromadené enormné množstvo neprehliadnuteľných vedeckých poznatkov, sa mi pokúšame v našom učení interpretovať tak, aby náročné znalosti boli pochopiteľné aj pre bežného človeka (viď body 1.1, 1.2,). Netvrdíme, že sa nám to aj vždy dobre podarí a sme v tom perfektní. Aj práve preto sme boli študovať najdôležitejšie zdroje poznatkov, ktoré sa v tomto odbornom smere generujú na denno dennej báze, pretože nechceme byť pozadu. Načerpané poznatky však budeme aj naďalej aplikovať do našich článkov a môžeme vám sľúbiť, že nikdy to neurobíme horšie, ako najlepšie vieme. Prikladáme vám aj pár obrázkov, ktoré sme si zhotovili priamo z prednášok TOP expertov a vedeckých kapacít:
Ako na náš projekt METFLEX reagovali experti
Okrem čerpania kvalitných poznatkov bolo našim cieľom odkonzultovať projekt METFLEX s vybranými expertmi. Chceli sme vedieť ich názor na to, či je podľa nich aplikácia dôležitá a či by ju vedeli využiť aj pre svoju prácu. Aplikácia METFLEX je nástroj, pomocou ktorého sa bude dať v budúcnosti generovať mnoho zaujímavých poznatkov, ktoré budú plynúť zo spracovávania veľkého množstva dát (big-data, analytika, databázy). Všetky detaily a ambície o našom projekte METFLEX na tomto mieste nebudeme prezrádzať. Mnohí z vás už aplikáciu a jej základné funkcie používate v praxi na kvantifikáciu vlastného metabolického zdravia a posunu v čase po aplikácii lowcarb alebo ketogenického stravovania. Máme ešte veľmi mnoho práce pred sebou (aj za sebou) a tí z vás, ktorí ste si ešte o METFLEX aplikácii nič nenaštudovali, tak môžete urobiť TU:
- ako získať výsledok v METFLEXe
- základné princípy fungovania aplikácie METFLEX
- video prezentácia na kongrese lekárov
V nasledovnom videu máte možnosť uvidieť ako na METFLEX reaguje jedna z najväčších vedeckých kapacít na metabolický výskum, profesora na Bostonskej Univerzite Dr. Thomasa Seyfrieda. Táto reakcia hovorí za všetko a sme nekonečne vďační, že sa nám tento moment podarilo zachytiť na kameru (v iných prípadoch sme to šťastie nemali). Zároveň je toto video aj celková reportáž z konferencie a Thomas Seyfried sa o METFLEXe vyjadrenie od 5:20 minúty videa:
Na evente sme diskutovali s mnohými ďalšími expertmi a s niektorými máme aj osobnú fotografiu. Tú máme aj s viacerými vystavovateľmi, ktorí prezentovali svoje produkty relevantné k téme nutričná ketóza, lowcarb či metabolické terapie. Tu je k tomu foto galéria:
Vypočujte si naše postrehy v podcaste priamo z konferencie
Počas posledného dňa eventu sme spolu s Tinou urobili aj krátke zhrnutie subjektívnych dojmov z konferencie, ktoré si môžete vypočuť v tomto podcaste:
Keďže sme boli v Amerike a museli sme sa vysporiadať aj s takou dilemou, ako je optimálne stravovanie v tejto krajine, tak sme pre vás natočili názornú video reportáž. Z nej pochopíte, aké veľmi dobré je mať pri sebe niekoho, kto už minul “tony” času na štúdium toho, čo je a čo nie je vhodné nakupovať v supermarketoch:
Čo planujeme s aplikáciou METFLEX do blízkej i ďalekej budúcnosti
S vysokou pravdepodobnosťou sa objavíme na tejto metabolickej konferencii aj o rok. Tentokrát by sme však už nechceli predstavovať len fungujúcu aplikáciu a jej koncepciu. Ak sa nám podarí nazbierať dostatok dát (ktoré sú našim palivom a musia byť ich tisíce), budeme môcť odprezentovať už aj našu vlastnú štúdiu (vedeckú prácu). Metodické detaily si necháme na neskôr a v týchto dňoch (február až apríl 2017) budú prebiehať nie len jednania s klinikami a centrami, ale aj so spoločnosťami Ganshorn a Schiller, ktoré tieto spiroergometrické prístroje vyrábajú. Obe spoločnosti prejavili záujem o stretnutie a prezentáciu našej aplikácie METFLEX. Aktuálne len s týmito prístrojmi je naša aplikácia METFLEX kompatibilná a zoznam adries, kde sa tieto prístroje nachádzajú v Čechách a na Slovensku, si môžete pozrieť TU.
Aktuálne prebieha masívna štrukturálna zmena v tomto projekte, kde dokončujeme nový web, nové analytické funkcie (aj pre koncového užívateľa aj pre kliniky) právne dolaďujeme celé fungovania projektu a mnohé ďalšie kroky, ktoré sú nevyhnutné na to, aby sa stal projekt excelentným nástrojom a pomohol vám kvantifikovať svoj aktuálny zdravotný a metabolický stav.
Ako už viete, bez dát sme len ďalšou osobou s názorom a to čo sa nedá odmerať, sa nedá ani zlepšovať. METFLEX je preto inovatívne riešenie, ktoré vám pomôže optimalizovať váš životný štýl a stravovanie dnes i v budúcnosti.
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Ak sa rozhodnete článok spracovať, váš návrh na bodový sumár článku nám zasielajte na vlado@vladozlatos.com
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plánujete naberať ľudí na zbieranie dát? Resp. uvažuje sa nad spoluprácou s "dobrovoľníkmi" a nadšencami vašej filozofie, ktorí poskytnú výsledky? Ak áno, kde sa treba prihlásiť? :)
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